Monday, August 26, 2013

Basically I suck ass, not in the porn way, but in the bad book blogger way.

I haven't been writing reviews pretty much all summer. This is because I suck book blogger ass. I took the summer and expanded my brain around social statistics and public administration via online courses so that I can graduate at the end of this year rather than next summer. I want to be done with college, it is a 14 year journey and I really want it to be over, for at least a little while. So this brings me back to my point that I suck book blogger ass. I have been reading, I am certain that my fun reads got me through my summer classes.

The following are books I read and thought were rad so you should read them too:

As you can see I fell in love with Sarah Addison Allen and continued my love for Sarah Dessen. I want to point your attention to Friendship Bread by Darien Gee. I really loved this book, it made my heart feel warm after reading it. I read Jenny McCarthy when I needed a guilty or naughty giggle.

The following are books that I read for school and one that I read for fun but I wouldn't recommend it.

And lastly, I read a book that I am totally neutral about and therefore will not recommend or discourage you from reading it.

Overall, I liked most of what I read. I am just not a fan of Gillian Flynn so I should stop reading her books. I just feel too grim after reading her books. The books I read for class about inequality made me hate republicans and democrats, so business as normal. I do not love being on the poor end of those theories so that was intense for me personally. Obviously I would never suggest someone read a social statistics book, but if you are forced to read this particular book it isn't as awful as most. I even laughed once while reading it which is a huge step up from crying.