Monday, April 18, 2011

Goals Goals Goals...

So I have started the weight release goal for my 30 for 30 and so far have lost 1 pound. Go Malinda! I am counting calories which blows but is super enlightening. I have an app on my phone that makes it very easy to keep track of what I am eating. It is also helping me watch my cholesterol. I come from a long line of heavy folk and have many a bad eating habits. I don't want to jump into a program that is too radical to keep up. So I have altered my path and thus far it isn't easy but it is doable.

I have a great concept for a painting working around my noodle and now I just need a sunny weekend day to make it come to life.

The boyfriend got a call today informing him that he has been hired at the University of Utah hospital. While the money isn't much more than he is currently making it is at least in the field he wants to be in. So YAY for him! My own job hunting hasn't been going awesome thus far and I have been frustrated. I am revamping my resume and hopefully that will bring new life to my hunt. So if anyone knows of any jobs out there that you think I would be rockin for please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. You should check out if you haven't already. They also have a nice phone app for food logging. I started doing a whole food, raw type thing at the beginning of the year, and it's been working pretty well for me. I lost a bunch of weight at first, but am just maintaining now because I am lazy with food when school gets hectic.
