Saturday, January 4, 2014

So that happened....

So it could be that I am graduated from the University of Utah with a BS in Political Science. I say, it could be, only because the graduation office has not yet made it official. The process to make it official could take another month and then they will mail me my swanky paper. I have until March to decide if I will be participating in the actual graduation ceremonies through the University.

My college graduation has been a long time coming. I started college while I was still in high school back in 1999 and finally finished in 2013.

Holy crap you guys that is a really long time to get through college. Why on Earth did it take me that long?

The biggest reason is that I refused to take out student loans until I had a solid landing on a major. It took six tries to end up on Political Science but I don't regret even one minute in a class that didn't apply to that major. I learned so much about myself and what I am capable of in all those years of college. As it turns out, I am actually pretty awesome and fairly intelligent (toot toot of my horn!). I have a well rounded education that others don't have because they jumped into one major and stayed there. My path was rocky and more than once I wanted to give up. I was pretty lucky that I had a lot of people cheering me on or giving me the "don't be stupid" look when I talked about giving up and sewing drapes for the rest of my life. (Have I mentioned that here before? I sew stuffs, not for you, unless you pay a ridiculous amount of money for my time.)

I would say this last semester, was by far the hardest I have ever gotten through. I worked on papers in my sleep and that actually seemed to help my grade! I was super stressed and thank Joss (as in Joss Whedon creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, FireFly, Dollhouse, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D aka my God don't judge) my husband is a really patient dude and just handed me a cup of coffee whenever I got out of hand.

14 Years of going to college and working at the same time, talk about busy busy busy. So... Now what? I have already started the annoying process of looking for a job in my field. That basically means a job with the state, county, or Salt Lake City. I am also applying at the University of Utah.

I have yet to figure out how to fill my free time, which is still weird to me that I have some. I have become really reluctant to schedule my time with anyone. I don't think this has anything to do with the people in my life but more a selfish need on my part to gain some much needed Malinda refocusing time. I need to spend some time not doing anything that means anything. I imagine in the next month or two this will change and I will come out of my hole a little more but for now I just need to chill in my own space for a beat.

The one thing I am sure I will be doing is a lot of reading that has nothing to do with politics in any way. I am currently working my way through a few books, as I couldn't decide what to read. I will post reviews on all of them in the next couple of weeks as I finish them.

Since finishing the semester on the 18th some really awesome changes have happened in Utah. As of right now gay marriage is legal in Utah. I wasn't super surprised by the ruling because I knew the judge was a President Obama appointee, but it seems to have floored most people here as well as everywhere else. Two of my close friends made Christmas Eve pretty special by having a surprise wedding. I was so glad to have been included. I love all of my friends: gay, straight, or otherwise and they should all have the right to choose their path and the government should recognize them all equally.

I have been dealing with an evil head cold for the last week or so. I woke up feeling craptastic on Christmas but as it turns out I was lucky as my bestie woke up the same day with a case of the flu. She and I spent the morning getting her some medical attention and scripts which had the chance of causing hallucinations which could either have been good or bad.... like all hallucinations?

New Years was a really low key event at home with the hubby which is really the way I prefer to celebrate. Normally we get the scrabble board out but this year we just watched movies and chilled. Man, it was awesome sauce. I am finally starting to feel kind of normal again. Post finals burnout has seemed to have passed and my cold is on its last legs. This means it might actually sink in soon that I am done with school and I might freak a little. I am hoping the job search keeps me grounded and I don't freak too much.

I hope you are all excited to rock a new year and new experiences. I will be posting more in the new year and possibly about more than just the books I am reading though that is still the focus here.

While writing this post I was watching Fashion Police. I love pretty dresses.

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