Monday, August 1, 2016

Hey there... It has been a while

So it has been a while since I posted a book review. This isn't because I haven't been reading, in fact I left my Goodreads goal for 2016 in the dust a couple months ago. Part of the reason I haven't been posting is that a good number of those books were read while I was recovering from lady bit surgery.
My work often closes the week between Christmas and New Years. This last winter was particularly busy so I planned on taking a little more time than everyone else. I didn't realize that would eventually translate to taking over a month off. I felt sick leading up to Christmas, but that isn't unusual. I keep so busy at work I often fall ill as soon as I slow down. Then the week leading up to New Years I was feeling really awful. I had developed a pain on the right side of my abdomen. It wasn't consistent, honestly, I thought it was gas from eating like crap for a week. Then the pain seemed to spike and wouldn't relent so first thing in the early morning of January 1, 2016 I asked my husband to take me to urgent care. Once I was there, they sent me to the ER as they were pretty sure I would need tests that they couldn't help me with. I had a cat scan of the painful area and it was discovered that my right ovary had developed a cyst the size of Texas (this is only a slight exaggeration, the end size of the cyst was about the size of a cantaloupe).
Long story short I ended up having surgery within the week and then spent the next three weeks recovering in bed. I have to say I would really rather not have this happen to me again. It is over six months later and I still have some issues from the whole ordeal. I spent as much of my free time as possible reading. I read to forget the massive pain I was feeling, the stress I could feel piling up from missing so much work, and the depression that hit like a ton of bricks because I couldn't really move. I just didn't have the energy to form thoughts about what I was reading. I escaped into the worlds created for me and I am endlessly grateful for authors and story tellers. I am not generally a fan of people leaning on emotional crutches but in this situation I really don't think I would have come out whole if I hadn't escaped. I am of the overly responsible type A variety and it was maddening to not be in control of my body and to be missing so much of my responsibilities. I have a really really hard time asking for help. I was in so much pain I couldn't even put my own socks on. I had to rely on my husband for nearly everything. My poor independent soul struggled with that so much.
Shortly after my medical situation was finally resolved my husband had a change in job, to a lower paying gig without medical benefits. This has thrown a wrench in our finances (yes even though we have separate finances) as I now have to pay for my own health insurance. I have therefore been working a ton to make up some of the difference. This has also contributed to me being a very bad book blogger.
So hence I haven't posted a review in quite some time (Wow Marinda way to be a Debbie Downer). I am taking a little time off from work this week (thankfully not due to a murdery ovary) so I thought it would be the perfect time to talk about some of the books that I really enjoyed while I was down for the count and since then.
Over the next few days I will be posting individual book reviews as well as some complete series reviews. I read a few series back to back so it is hard in my memory to differentiate the books from the whole series. I will not be reviewing all of the books I read. This is because some of them are hard to remember, they didn't make a big impact on me either way. I don't think it would be fair to review something I hardly remember.
I have also been working on a piece of writing which is political in nature. I haven't fully decided if I am going to post this or not. I have a lot to say but I am hesitant to voice my political views. That isn't to imply that I am closed off to debate, I actually really enjoy conversations with other informed people who have different views from my own. I do not like how quickly people turn to hate without having done any research to support what they claim are facts. I don't think people have to justify how they feel, but if you come at me claiming facts then I expect you to be able to back them up. Therefore, I haven't decided if I will post the bit of writing I have been working on. If I do post it, I ask you to look at it not as me pushing an agenda but rather explaining how I came to a decision.

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