Sunday, March 27, 2011

30 for 30

Every year I try to visit my older brother in Seattle for his birthday. He turned 30 two years ago. He made a list of 30 things he wanted to do for his 30th birthday and checked the list off the weekend around his birthday. I am still waiting for his amazing video blog but other than that he made good progress on the list. If I had a picture of the Gothic photo shoot we did in Lakeview Cemetery I would post it here. For those of you who used to Goth out in the 90's, this is the Cemetery where Bruce and Brandon Lee are buried. Yes, this was my idea. Yes, I am that girl. "It can't rain all the time" even in Seattle. Oh man my brother will be ashamed to know me right now. Thankfully, I don't think he reads this blog.

Fast forward two years and now it is time for me to turn 30. 30 has been everywhere lately. Friends are turning 30 everywhere I look. My own birthday (which isn't until December) is coming up a lot in conversation. My friend recently had me out to Denver for her 30th and while I was there I decided something about my own birthday. I am going to do 30 things for my 30th birthday. I am not going to limit myself to the day or weekend of my birthday. I want to make this a year long journey. I am still working on my list. Something about the last five or so things to do is hard to come up with. I will post a partial list at the end of this blog.

So why? Why come up with a list and push myself to work on things? I don't take enough time on myself and my growth. I get too busy with work, school, and all the rest to remember to better myself. I am terrified of getting older. A couple of months ago I found my first gray hair and had a total melt down. I have been putting myself through hell, beating myself up for not being where I wanted to be by 30. This list is a way for me to work on myself and work through my aging issues, and have a little fun while I am at it.

Here is the incomplete list:
1.30 paintings
2.30 poems job
5.sunrise photo shoot
6.sunset photo shoot every week
8.journal every night
9.meditate every day every day
12.release weight
13.30 drawings somewhere new
15.dream bigger
16.learn to smile with my liver
17.find something beautiful about Utah
18.get drunk with my brother
20.10 shows
21.leave my comfort zone and sew a dress
23.swim without being self conscience about my body
24.make serious progress on my book
25.sit on a porch
26.hummingbird tattoo
27.teach myself intermediate algebra
28.reach my book goal of 150 books read this year
29.Spend more time with my friends
30.Leave an impression

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