Monday, March 28, 2011

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

So I watched the crap movie with Julia Roberts called Eat, Pray, Love and was not at all impressed with this so called "year long journey" the main character was taking to really figure herself out. I thought this movie was boring at best and highly cliched and irritating at its worst. I found it less about a woman working through her shit (as billed) and more about a romance. Which BLAH at Hollywood! Give me a story that is genuine and don't assume I have to have a hot guy in a movie for me to go see it! (confession.... hot guys don't hurt.... yep I'm a hypocrite)

None of these things apply to the book. I could relate to this writer lady quite a bit. I too have had that moment on the bathroom floor crying and not having any idea how to get myself up. I have struggled with the darkness of depression and learned to cope with it as best as I can. I have also medicated myself once in my depression history with zero luck with it helping me. And a total loss of my ability to express myself. Needless to say, I didn't stay on those meds very long.

Elizabeth Gilbert speaks openly and honestly about the good, the bad, and the ugly all lurking in her closet. She is humble and yet not at all depending on the circumstances. I don't so much relate to a "God" aspect the way that Elizabeth does. I do, however, connect with the voice in your own heart to guide you through the tough bits. I really liked this book. I like the concept of smiling with your liver. And while I half think this means I should drink a little more, I get the concept of letting a smile flow through your body. This is why I have put this on my 30 for 30 list. I want to feel a smile flow through my whole body.

While my personal spiritual journey was completely different; and will always be completely different I can appreciate the hard work. I recommend this book to people who dig the subject of self realization, those going through a spiritual change, or anyone who enjoys good writing. I will put this out there, if you are of the sensitive variety there are several doom and gloom dark moments that can trigger all sorts of internal whatnot. Be prepared, we dive into her icky sicky right with her.

I rocked the audiobook read by the author for this book. I have always been a sucker for writers reading their own work. If you like audiobooks I highly recommend that you get this. You really get a sense of who this woman is through her voice.

While writing this review I have been listening to Adele (19) and the Beatles (Abby Road). What are you listening to?

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